Perinatal & Post-Partum Depression Therapy & Counseling

baby holding adult finger

What is Post-Partum / Perinatal Depression?

Post Partum depression (PPD) and/or parinatal depression happens either during pregnancy (called peripartum) or in the months after having a baby. PPD can look like a general dark or down feeling. It can feel like you are under water and can’t come out of it. Some common symptoms:

  • You might have trouble sleeping or sleep too much, or
  • might not eat or eat more than usual.
  • You might not feel like doing anything and yet feel trapped at home.
  • It’s a hopeless feeling.
  • Sometimes mothers have anger or rage rise up unexpectedly- where they want to scream or run away from their situation.

It’s a roller coaster ride. Some mothers are nervous to share what thoughts they have had. Seeking help when you have postpartum depression is a process of stepping out of the shame and guilt and choosing to trust someone else to navigate their post-partum depression.

What else should I know when considering Post-Partum or Perinatal Depression Counseling and Therapy?

Each person has a unique set of symptoms. As a post-partum therapists, we have seen mothers come out of these symptoms and find tools that they can carry with them in their lives. The next time they experience depression, they have new tools and ways of thinking that bring them hope. We generally approach postpartum depression from all sides. We use therapy to talk through those thought patterns and emotions but we also talk about advocating for your needs, changing your lifestyle, helping you communicate with your partner and support system, and we try to add in new activities that can get you out of that rut.

When a person is depressed it is like their brain is stuck in a chemical rut. The longer their brain is in that state the more difficult it is to recover. There are internal and external causes for post-partum depression, which can include, challenged mood regulation by the brain, genetic vulnerability, stressful life events, medications, and medical problems.

In the months following having a baby there are so many overlapping factors that create a perfect storm.

If you identify with these symptoms please, reach out to us today to find some relief and grow as an individual and mother.

See if perinatal or post-partum depression counseling & therapy at Grow Wellness Group is right for you and your personal growth.