March 24, 2025
Jill Mudge, QMHP

A Coach's Consideration: The Impact of Emotions on Athletes

A Coach's Consideration: The Impact of Emotions on Athletes

An athlete’s mental health is a contemporary concern, however, what attention has been paid to the mental health and well-being of those that can potentially influence athletes the most - coaches?

How Athletes Manage Their Emotions

It’s becoming increasingly common for athletes to incorporate mindfulness and mental preparation into their training routines. Elite athletes like Michael Phelps, LeBron James, and Steph Curry have openly discussed how mental skills training enhances their performance:

  • Michael Phelps used visualization techniques to mentally rehearse his races, helping him anticipate and respond to challenges in the pool.
  • LeBron James practices meditation to strengthen his mental clarity and emotional resilience.
  • Steph Curry follows a consistent game-day routine to manage nerves and sharpen focus.

Self-talk, listening to music, and clear goal setting are all additional ways successful athletes have calmed nerves, focused their thoughts, and prepared themselves for optimal performance.

Each of these practices helps athletes address their emotions. As emotions are simply guesses our brains generate based on prior experience, successful athletes understand the importance of minimizing the impact emotions have on their performance. They work diligently to ignore distractions, focus on the task at hand, and consistently execute in high-pressure situations. Some athletes invest hours, days, months, or even years in mental health training in order to capitalize on their peak physical potential.

What About Coaches?

It's become apparent that the growing need for mental health training and support is paramount to athletes' continued success. With that expectation set for athletes, should coaches also be invested in their own mental health? How coaches demonstrate their emotions during competition can significantly impact the performance of athletes and teams alike. Tone, delivery, pace, and content all provide auditory queues as critical messages are conveyed from coaches to athletes during competition. If emotions remain unchecked and fuel communication, athletes can enter a state of heightened stress driven by increased adrenaline and cortisol levels. This, in turn, can work against any mental health preparation athletes engaged in prior to competition.

For a coach, it’s the age-old metaphor of portraying the calmness of a duck gliding above water while frantically paddling, unnoticed, below the surface. Mental health preparation can help coaches keep a sane head in supporting their athletes by keeping emotions in check. Successful athletes and sports teams require resiliency in coaching, which commands mental strength and adaptability. Coaches are expected to confidently operate in one of the most influential roles in service. A shadow cast of high emotion and reactivity can guide any athlete or team into darkness. However, proactive planning for mental health stability can help coaches guide those who depend on them into performances rooted in strength and confidence.

Investing in mental health isn’t just about improving performance—it’s about building a foundation of confidence, trust, and consistency that elevates everyone involved.

By: Jill Mudge, QMHP - Therapist and Sport Performance Consultant at Grow Sport Psychology

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