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Neuropsychological Assessments

Neuro-Psychological Testing

therapist taking notes

Neuropsychological assessments are requested to assess cognitive functioning for possible or probable disorders and to evaluate a baseline for a client’s future treatment. Just like a person with a broken arm would go into the emergency room to complete an x-ray, neuropsychological assessments assess and evaluate functioning to provide clients with a written image (report) of how their intellect, abstract reasoning, attention, language, problem-solving, memory, visual-spatial abilities, motivation and performance validity, adaptive skills and mood impact them daily

When Would a Neuropsychological Test be Considered?

A neuropsychological test may be recommended when there is a need to understand how brain function impacts a person’s cognitive, emotional, and behavioral abilities. Common reasons to consider a neuropsychological evaluation include:

  • Cognitive Concerns
    • Persistent memory problems or difficulties with attention and concentration.
    • Trouble with problem-solving, planning, or organizing tasks.
    • Decline in academic or work performance without a clear cause.
  • Medical or Neurological Conditions
    • History of a traumatic brain injury (TBI) or concussion.
    • Neurological disorders such as epilepsy, multiple sclerosis, or Parkinson’s disease.
    • Evaluation of brain function after a stroke or tumor.
  • Developmental Concerns
    • Suspected learning disabilities or developmental delays.
    • Autism spectrum disorder or ADHD diagnosis or clarification.
  • Mental Health Concerns
    • Clarification of cognitive impact related to depression, anxiety, or other mental health conditions.
    • Differentiating between cognitive changes due to psychological factors versus neurological causes.
  • Age-Related Changes
    • Screening for conditions like dementia or Alzheimer’s disease in older adults.
  • Pre-Surgical or Treatment Planning
    • Assessing brain function before procedures such as brain surgery or certain medical treatments to predict outcomes and risks.

A neuropsychological test provides a detailed profile of cognitive strengths and challenges, aiding in diagnosis, treatment planning, and tracking changes over time.

Each assessment includes multifaceted aspects of data collection, interpretation and feedback. The assessments are completed over 2-4 testing appointments and can include intake assessments, intelligence testing, psychological assessments, cognitive behavioral rating scales, personality assessments, projective assessments, academic testing, self-report measures and the collection of collateral information.

Psychological and Neuropsychological assessments are not something you can “study” for as many of the items have no “right” or “wrong” answers. The assessment is specific to each individual and tailored to a client’s referral question.

After the assessment appointments, a report is specifically developed for a client to address their questions that brought them (or their physician) to request an assessment.

We also take into consideration:

  • Biological factors can include physical health, diagnosed medical disorders, immune/stress response, disease, injuries, genetic factors
  • Psychological factors can include beliefs, emotions, coping skills, cognitive abilities and/or behavior
  • Social factors can include family, social support, environmental factors, trauma, school/work and/or culture

This perspective may mean that you are surprised by the results and hopefully that will help each person build insight and meaning in their lives.

See if neuropsychological testing or psychological testing at Grow Wellness Group is right for you and your personal growth.