Hello - My name is Haley (she, her, hers), and I am a licensed therapist from Urbana-Champaign’s School of Social Work. I am particularly passionate about working with clients whose personal histories leave them feeling disconnected from their authentic selves and to others in their lives. I operate from a space of openness, curiosity, and radical non-judgement to empower and engage your own intrinsic capacity for inner healing.
While I believe that there is no single one-size-fits-all approach to therapy, my style largely meshes bottom-up, somatic modalities with traditional elements of talk-therapy. I am friendly and compassionate, working alongside you to navigate your story, past and present. I believe that to genuinely heal from the wounds of our past, we need to not only reconsider the negative thoughts and false narratives that occupy our minds, but also treat the physical sensations of grief, abandonment, shame, and loneliness that manifest in our bodies. Together, we can work to bring you to a place of greater connection, health, and aliveness.
The work I do is deeply informed by liberation psychology and anti-oppression frameworks. I strive towards being actively anti-racist, feminist, LGBTQ+ affirming, and an inclusive therapist to all.
Outside of the therapy office, I love exploring our National Parks, lifting weights, and playing dungeons and dragons with my friends. I so look forward to getting to know you and your story – let’s work together to appreciate the opportunities for growth and resilience that emerge from the resolution of trauma.