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Yoga Therapy  
& Somatic Therapies
(Reiki & Clinical Hypnosis)

Yoga Therapy & Somatic Therapies

yoga sitting pose

Explore Naperville Yoga Therapy as a means to connect with yourself and navigate the challenges in your way! Yoga Therapy is a type of therapy, facilitated by a Licensed Yoga Therapist in Naperville, who uses yoga postures, breathing exercises, traditional talk therapy, meditation, and guided imagery to improve mental and physical health. The holistic focus of yoga therapy encourages the integration of mind, body, and spirit. Modern yoga therapy covers a broad range of therapeutic modalities, incorporating elements from both physical therapy and psychotherapy.

Grow Wellness Group’s yoga therapists use an integrated Yoga Therapy and somatic experience program to reduce the client’s resistance to psychotherapy, thus opening new creative possibilities for therapeutic intervention. In many cases where clients struggle to identify and process their own emotions, yoga therapy is an ideal way of self-discovery, and achieving greater self awareness and self restoration. Yoga therapy, as a therapeutic modality, involves physical and verbal processing that gives the yoga therapist unique insight and amazing tools to reach the core issues. Our therapists are able to explore the client’s negative patterns and set forth a new way to approach difficult situations.

Does Yoga Therapy Work?

Yoga therapy is well established as a treatment by yoga therapists for depression and anxiety. An analysis cited in the Primary Care Companion for CNS Disorders found that yoga therapy also shows efficacy for the treatment of post-traumatic stress (PTSD) and schizophrenia. Further, yoga therapists have begun to develop treatment modalities to suit children with autism, as well as panic disorders, eating disorders, bipolar disorder, insomnia, and phobias. The effectiveness of Yoga Therapy is shown with empirical and unbiased research by the National Institute of Health.

Per the National Institute of Health (NIH), “Psychopharmacology and psychotherapy are the primary treatment modalities utilized in Western psychiatry. Yet, the effectiveness of these therapies is limited. The well-accepted biopsychosocial approach for the treatment of mental illness has been expanded of late to include a spiritual component as well.1,2 Yoga can play a role in this comprehensive, holistic biopsychosocial-spiritual approach to healing mental illness.”

According to one of the great masters of yoga therapy from the 1900s, TVK Desikachar:

“Yoga therapy is a self-empowering process, where the care-seeker, with the help of the Yoga therapist, implements a personalized and evolving Yoga practice, that not only addresses the illness in a multi-dimensional manner, but also aims to alleviate his/her suffering in a progressive, non-invasive and complementary manner.  Depending upon the nature of the illness, Yoga therapy can not only be preventative or curative, but also serve a means to manage the illness, or facilitate healing in the person at all levels.”
A graphic that outlines the benefits of yoga therapy.
A flyer advertising exclusive yoga therapy sessions.

What should I expect?

The first time you meet your Naperville yoga therapist, you will discuss your unique needs.

During the first session your yoga therapist will work with you to come up with a preliminary plan of daily practice. They will probably recommend a minimum of six sessions to begin with. Your plan will typically involve the elements of asana (yoga postures), pranayama (breathing techniques), meditation and a secondary therapeutic talk therapy intervention. You are free to continue with other forms of treatment and, indeed, yoga can be used alongside other modalities very easily.

Often the yoga therapist will prescribe practices for you to do at home. Yoga therapy is about teaching people the skills – mental and physical – to help themselves in their own lives. It is about restoration and strength and resilience.

Yoga therapy meets each and every person where they are. No health presentation is too great nor too small. Yoga therapy sessions are client-led, client-focused, and compassion-focused. The client is the master of their journey with their yoga therapist being a knowledgeable passenger and navigator on the journey towards health and healing.


  • $130 per 60 minute session
  • HSA & Flexible Benefits Cards can sometimes be used. Please call the number on your card to confirm. Insurance does not cover this service at this time.


Quotation Mark

As a Licensed Clinical Social Worker and Clinical Therapist, it's easy to feel as though I already have all the tools necessary to manage my own stress. It is, however, my mission to remain a lifelong learner and consistently renew my commitment to my own therapeutic journey by prioritizing self-care and continually expand my repertoire of knowledge and skills. I always teach my clients that healthcare is comprised of our nutrition/hydration, sleep, movement, and our mental and emotional well-being. I believe that everyone, including those in helping professions, can benefit from therapy. While it can be a challenge to find the right therapist for you, it is absolutely a journey worth taking.

I chose to see a certified yoga therapist, Mary Ellen, who comprises all these essential components when listening to concerns, who responds empathically and intuitively while incorporating yogic philosophies I am so pleased to have the opportunity to share my testimony after incorporating Yoga therapy with Mary Ellen into my therapeutic routine.

"Yoga therapy has made a significant impact on my day-to-day life, from being more intentional with my speech and actions, practicing daily gratitude for life and my body, and having a trusted therapist I can turn to who integrates mind and body care. It is a truly unique form of therapy that I feel anyone can benefit from if they are open and willing." My very best to you on your journey towards your own personal wellness!      
Video of Yoga Therapist and Yoga Therapy Benefits near me in Naperville with Grow Wellness Group
Molly Lown, MSW, LCSW
Quotation Mark
I am so blessed to have worked with Mare in yoga therapy. I have spent years in more traditional therapy and while that helped, it do not heal. I reached out to Mare for yoga therapy because I "felt stuck and wanted to move.” What I have received from her is priceless. Amazing tools that jump-started my healing! I am so grateful for her perspective and support! I am so grateful that I discovered yoga therapy with Grow Wellness Group!
Video of Yoga Therapist and Yoga Therapy Benefits near me in Naperville with Grow Wellness Group
T.B., Adult Female
Yoga Therapy testimonials from those working with Grow Wellness Group Yoga Therapist in Naperville near me
Yoga Therapy testimonials from those working with Grow Wellness Group Yoga Therapist in Naperville near me